Past Life Regression

Get to Know Your Past and Improve Your Future looking at Prof. Rafique Pirani

We are glad you are here at Prof Rafique Pirani providing you with an access to past life regression which is an amazing journey into your soul’s history. We act as your guide in taking you through an exploration of past lives, uncovering incredible insights that can make your present brighter and impact your future positively.


To Prof Rafique Pirani, we think that past life regression might be an effective way to empower you both as a person and treat certain disorders. Being the one who is run by Prof Rafique Pirani, a long-time professional with a rich track-record of Past Life Regression therapy practice, we provide you with the required ambiance for your spiritual self-development.


Our Services

Past Life Regression Sessions:
Start a thrilling tour through the history and try-out your past lives under our professional guidance. With the help of gentle hypnosis and meditation exercises, you retrace your footsteps in your past lifetime and unravel hidden memories and events. Whether you crave clear understanding, healing or the mere curiosity, our Past Life Regression sessions can allow not only insights but revelations that are unparalleled.

Healing and Transformation:
Learning to find your previous lives is not only about the exploration, instead it is about the healing and transforming. Our sessions allows you to cope with the past traumas, get rid of toxic actions and develop yourself. Through the awareness of the underlying factors that contribute to your current issues, you can empower yourself to regain your freedom and rediscover your authentic self.

Spiritual Guidance and Support:
Generously, Prof Rafique Pirani gave kindly admonition and orientation all the way. In the center of the respect for your personal experiences and manifestations, we establish the uniform space, where you can transit your spiritual path with the sincerity and self-awareness. Whatever you are looking for, be it spiritual guidance or self-validation, or a meaningful connection to yourself on a deeper level, our support and care is unwavering throughout the journey.


2, Kamdar Shopping Centre, Opposite Railway Station, Vile Parle ( East ) Mumbai 400057